Using Model-Based Impact Assessment Reports for Hurricane Resilience

Using DisasterAWARE's Impact Assessment reports, we tracked Hurricane Ian's path as it made its way to Florida.

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Using DisasterAWARE's Impact Assessment reports, we tracked Hurricane Ian's path as it made its way to Florida.

Hurricane Ian Hazard Brief Image

Our Hazard Brief details how Hurricane Ian will likely impact the area’s population. This report is continually updated along the top of the image as new projections come out of our model.

Hurricane Ian SmartAlert Geography

In this screenshot, you can see the SmartAlert Geography. This area is shown in red and is the area we modeled to have a potentially disruptive impact from Hurricane Ian. Customers with assets in this red zone would receive SmartAlerts as new data is available. Often our models will update every 20 minutes to ensure our customers have the most current information.

Hurricane Ian TOAS Rainfall Model

Here we overlay the TAOS rainfall model over our projected path for Hurricane Ian. This shows much of Florida is expected to receive 12 to 24 inches of rainfall from Hurricane Ian.

To see even more Hurricane Ian projections and to track it as it makes landfall, or to see what hazards are in your area of the world, sign up for a free trial here and learn all that DisasterAWARE Enterprise can do for your organization.