The Role of Risk Intelligence in Insurance Disaster Resilience

February 11, 2025
The Role of Risk Intelligence in Insurance Disaster Resilience

Insurance companies play a key role in fostering community disaster resilience. By utilizing risk intelligence tools and encouraging business continuity planning, insurers can help mitigate climate change impacts. Here are 6 ways insurance professionals can integrate disaster risk management into their business strategies:

1. Assess evolving hazards with risk intelligence software.

Advanced analytics software like DisasterAWARE Enterprise enables insurers to continuously monitor risks from climate threats. By integrating disaster risk intelligence into underwriting and pricing models, exposures can be quantified across portfolios. Geospatial tools provide high-resolution views of flood prone areas and wildfire likelihood. Real-time monitoring also supports disaster alerting and business continuity planning.

2. Incentivize resilience through pricing and outreach

Insurers should incentivize mitigation steps by customers through premium discounts and risk reduction programs. Resilient construction materials and business continuity planning should be rewarded. Strategic community partnerships can also improve resilience by promoting preparedness and early warning systems. Firms can even fund local infrastructure improvements like flood barrier construction that reduces long-term risk.

3. Align with global disaster risk management frameworks

Adopting standardized disaster risk management practices like the Sendai Framework enhances risk analytics and business continuity planning. This facilitates collaboration with governments and NGOs on resilience initiatives. Framework alignment also helps insurers transparently demonstrate their commitment to community risk reduction.

4. Continuously evolve risk models using the latest science

Insurers must rapidly integrate new climate science insights into their catastrophe models. This requires close cooperation with research institutions to access hazard data as it emerges. Frequent model updates enable more accurate pricing as threats like flooding and wildfires evolve. Real-time disaster risk intelligence improves underwriting agility.

5. Institutionalize business continuity management

Internal business continuity plans minimize disruptions from disasters. This facilitates claims servicing, customer support, and provider network viability during crises. Continuity planning should incorporate emergency communications, data backup, supply chain analysis, and preparedness drills. Robust business continuity management is essential for service resiliency.

With advanced risk analytics, resilient design promotion, global framework alignment and business continuity focus, insurers can deliver true climate adaptation leadership. The right disaster risk intelligence and partnerships make communities safer and more sustainable.

6. It is important to align risk reduction strategies with prominent international frameworks like the Sendai Framework which promotes disaster resilience and early warning systems.

Utilizing comprehensive software platforms like DisasterAWARE Enterprise enables insurers to seamlessly integrate the latest hazard research from groups like NOAA and NASA for enterprise risk management. Tracking climate and disaster trends through CDC and WHO reports is also advised. Applying globally recognized best practices demonstrates an insurer is being proactive and thorough.

In summary, climate change is necessitating new risk intelligence capabilities and strategies in the insurance sector. Assessing the increased potential for flooding, wildfires and other perils enables insurers to better serve clients and strengthen business resiliency. Collaboration across the public and private sectors using accepted risk management frameworks is key. With advanced analytics and prudent underwriting, the insurance industry can build climate readiness and help communities successfully adapt to new weather realities. This proactive approach will allow insurers to remain solvent and sustainable in an increasingly risky world.


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). "Loss Statistics Country-Wide."

National Centers for Environmental Information. "Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters: Overview."

Insurance Information Institute. "Facts + Statistics: Flood insurance."

National Interagency Fire Center. "National Year-to-Date Report on Fires and Acres Burned by State."

U.S. Forest Service. "Wildland Fire Suppression Costs."

Verisk. "2018 Camp and Woolsey Fires."

RMS. "Risk Modeler."

Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety. "Fortified Home."

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction."

DisasterAWARE Enterprise

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Climate Change and Health."

World Health Organization. "Climate change and human health."

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